Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sketches of Frank Gehry

Frank Gehry is one of the most inspiring people in todays realm of architectural design. I have seen the autobiography called "Sketches of Frank Gehry" multiple times. The first time I saw this film was in Mr. Allen's humanitities class, and it actually helped me understand what I wanted to do with my life.  Prior to seeing this video, I had thought i wanted to be a businessman like my father.  Obviously, after seeing this enlightening video, I had realized that this choice would not suit me best.

In Highschool, I was a CAD junkie. I spent all of my time in the CAD room hand-drafting, model making or doing computer modeling.  I never even thought that I could do this for  a living until I saw Sketches of Frank Gehry for the first time.  It made me realize that I should do architecture, after all, I had been doing work like this for the last four years.

Since I already been accepted into the University of Kansas business school, I had to fly to KU and present my portfolio to the dean of architecture, who proceeded to tell me that he loved my portfolio, but he didn't think I should be an architect.  My heart dropped and I figured I had just wasted two or three days for nothing.  Then he said that he is going to call Brian Hanabury of the Industrial Design department, and he pushed me out of his office to talk to him.

I met with Hanabury and he enjoyed my work, so he told me to submit a portfolio to the design department.  Needless to say, I was accepted to the ID program solely due to the "Sketches of Frank Gehry".

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